8-Week Course on Decoding NHI Intent: Starting April 9
Let’s Assess the Motive, Intent and involvement of non-Human Intelligence (NHI) in Our world.
Join me for this 4-lecture course in which I provide a framework and logical process you can use for assessing the motive, intent and involvement of non-human intelligence (NHI) in our world.
This course offers a structured framework and cognitive process for understanding the UAP/UFO phenomenon and our engagement with non-human intelligence. In this course I aim to move beyond speculation to focus on logical probabilities, equipping you with the key processes and knowledge to help you make your own assessments of the phenomenon.
This is not not about what to think, but rather how to think—and how to interpret—this nuanced, complex and diverse phenomenon.
Learning Objectives:
- Engage in a high level overview of the 80-year phenomenon of non-human intelligence (NHI) engagement with humanity.
- Understand 8 key capabilities for interpreting the phenomenon and how you can move from possibilities to probabilities in making your assessment.
- Formulate your own “starting assessment” of the present NHI visitation and understand the process for developing logical and evidence-based conclusions over time.
- Identify the most probable explanations for NHI motives, intentions and involvements with the human species and the types of agendas this behavior may suggest.
- Begin to correlate NHI activity with current trends in society, international affairs and technological development and understand how responsible connections can and cannot be made.
- Learn about the history of species interactions and how relevant fields such as anthropology, evolutionary biology and international relations can inform our approach to understanding non-human intelligence.
- Understand how NHI agendas may impact the movement for Disclosure and the 5-part shift necessary to safeguard the Disclosure effort from manipulation by both human and non-human interests.
- Understand concepts of “human sovereignty” and “rules of engagement” and the necessary process of establishing and securing humanity’s sovereign domain as a species.
- Consider the convergence of NHI intent, sovereignty and disclosure and the possible personal and collective pathways for action toward a united human response to NHI.
Course Instructor
Reed Summers is the host of the EMERGENT Podcast and writes and speaks extensively on the UFO/UAP phenomenon and its disclosure to the public. His body of work sheds light on the activities and agenda of the non-human intelligences operating in our world and works to unravel the mystery of who these beings are, what they are doing and the overarching purpose that has propelled their involvement with the human species.
In this course, Reed presents a comprehensive and logical framework for understanding non-human intelligence, with both a nuanced perspective on the intricate dynamics at play and deeper insight into the profound questions surrounding our human species’ present and future interactions with other forms of intelligent life.

Register Now:
Cost to attend:
In the spirit of providing critical information on a topic of universal interest and importance, I am making this live course free and open to the public.
Register at the link below and you will receive an email confirmation of your registration and links to join each live session.
Course Format
This course will be provided in 4 live sessions. Each session will take place at a scheduled time on a browser-based video platform. Each session will be have a 75 minutes lecture, followed by 20 minutes of Q/A.
Course Schedule
The course will have 4 sessions spread over an 8-week period, starting Wednesday, April 9.
- Session 1: April 9 at 7:00 pm Eastern
- Session 2: April 23 at 7:00 pm Eastern
- Session 3: May 7 at 7:00 pm Eastern
- Session 4: May 21 at 7:00 pm Eastern
Platform and requirements:
After registration, you will receive a link to a video meeting which you can join from your browser. Participant cameras and microphones will be disabled for the meeting. In addition, you may set your name to anonymous.
The video meeting will allow for live captioning as well as submission of questions, which I will answer at the conclusion of each course.
You can register for the course here on this page. In addition, I invite you to share this course page with others and encourage their participation.