My Father
For 29 years, my father has been immersed in a process of revelation. This started with a mysterious voice and a mandate to “record,” an encounter that changed his life permanently and forever.
That was in 1982. In the years since, my father Marshall Vian Summers has received 9160 pages of revelation through 800 visitations from this same voice, a voice that calls itself the “Angelic Presence that oversees the world.”
I am now 27 years old. I have witnessed nearly the entire span of this revelation and have read perhaps half of those 9160 pages. I have been in the room as the voice of revelation has spoken through my father. I have been with him at every turn in the road; through difficult stretches of months and years that we endured and that were perhaps necessary to bring something truly new and unknown into the world.
From this experience, I can first distill two things: 1) My father can be nothing less than a Messenger; and his sincerity, humility and integrity would humble saints. 2) The message he has received is something no human could be the author of.
And yet there’s much more. The experience of growing up in the midst of a New Message from God is something that needs to be told.
Your testimony of your father is poignant and captures the essence of him that I too have witnessed over many years. You honor him well with your words. It is clear that he has nurtured a child into a man that any father would be proud to call his son. You have grown into a strong, well-spoken man of wisdom who represents his father with great integrity and humility. I feel blessed to walk the Way of Knowledge with you.
Thank you so much Reed for sharing your perspective and experience. In humility I witness through your words the veracity of your fathers life and purpose….what a gift this truly is.